
visu3d.math.is_orth(rot: etils.enp.array_types.typing.FloatArray, *, atol: float = 1e-06, xnp: Any = Ellipsis) bool[source]#

Check if the matrix is a valid orthogonal matrix O(3).

Each orthogonal matrix form a orthonormal basis. The group of all 3x3 orthogonal matrices consists of all proper and improper rotations (reflexions).

See: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/3D_rotation_group#Orthogonal_and_rotation_matrices

  • rot – The 3x3 matrix to check

  • atol – Precision at which checking the matrix

  • xnp – Np module used (jnp, tnp, np,…)


True if the matrix is orthogonal.