
class visu3d.CameraSpec(**kwargs)[source]#

Bases: visu3d.array_dataclass.DataclassArray

Camera intrinsics specification.

Define the interface of camera model. See PinholeCamera for an example of class implementation.

Support batching to allow to stack multiple cameras with the same resolution in a single CameraSpec.

specs = dca.stack([PinholeCamera(...) for _ in range(10)])

isinstance(specs, CameraSpec)
assert specs.shape == (10,)
assert specs.px_centers().shape == (10, h, w, 2)

CameraSpec also allow to project from/to pixel coordinates.

px_coords = specs.px_from_cam @ cam_coords

This works with:

  • xnp.asarray: (…, 3) -> (…, 2)

  • v3d.Point3d -> v3d.Point2d

  • Your custom objects. To support this transformation, your dataclass should implement the protocols:

    • apply_px_from_cam(self, camera_spec: v3d.CameraSpec): to support: spec.px_from_cam @ my_obj

    • apply_cam_from_px(self, camera_spec: v3d.CameraSpec): to support: spec.cam_from_px @ my_obj


Camera resolution (in px).


Tuple[int, int]


Camera height resolution (in px).


Camera width resolution (in px).


Additional figure configuration.



resolution: Tuple[int, int]#
fig_config: TraceConfig = TraceConfig(     name=None,     num_samples=None,     scale=1.0, )#
property h: int#
property w: int#
property hw: tuple[int, int]#

(Height, Width) in pixel (for usage in (i, j) coordinates).

property wh: tuple[int, int]#

(Width, Height) in pixel (for usage in (u, v) coordinates).

property px_from_cam: visu3d.dc_arrays.transformation.TransformBase#

Project camera 3d coordinates to px 2d coordinates.


pts2d = spec.px_from_cam @ pts3d

Input can have arbitrary batch shape, including no batch shape for a single point as input.


The transformation 3d cam coordinates -> 2d pixel coordinates.

property cam_from_px: visu3d.dc_arrays.transformation.TransformBase#

Unproject 2d pixel coordinates in image space to camera space.


pts3d = spec.cam_from_px @ pts2d

Note: Points returned by this function are not normalized. Points are returned at z=1 for pinhole camera.

Input can have arbitrary batch shape, including no batch shape for a single point as input.


The transformation 2d pixel coordinates -> 3d cam coordinates.

px_centers() etils.enp.array_types.typing.FloatArray[source]#

Returns 2D coordinates of centers of all pixels in the camera image.

This camera model uses the conventions:

  • Top-left corner of the image is (0, 0)

  • Bottom-right corner is (w, h) (NOT (h, w))

  • Pixels are centered, so px_centers()[0, 0] == 0.5


2D image coordinates of center of all pixels of shape (h, w, 2).

replace_fig_config(*, name: str = Ellipsis, scale: float = Ellipsis, **kwargs: Any) dataclass_array.typing.DcT[source]#

Returns a copy of self with figure params overwritten.

make_traces() list[plotly.basedatatypes.BaseTraceType][source]#

Construct the traces of the given object.